One Clap Speech and Debate

Wyoming State Speech and Debate Tournament Co-Directors Reflect on the Online Event

Lyle Wiley / Londe Gagnon, Matthew Liu, Nick Ryan Season 1 Episode 11

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While the Wyoming State Online Speech and Debate Tournament was an event that required the help and support of many coaches, competitors, community leaders, and judges, three people were especially foundational to the planning and technical execution of the tournament and registration: Matt Liu, University of Wyoming Director of Debate; Nick Ryan, Liberty Assistant Director of Debate; and Londe Gagnon, Jackson Hole High School Speech and Debate Coach and WHSFA President.  These three co-directors of the tournament came on the One Clap Podcast to share some terrific insight into what it took to make the Wyoming State Speech and Debate Tournament happen, what we learned from the event, and how students and coaches can prepare for the National Speech and Debate Tournament that will be held online this summer.

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